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Children's writing lesson supported by IT  Y3 visit to RSC theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon, supporting their speaking and listening learning.
Our English Curriculum

At Telford Junior School, we aim to motivate and enthuse all learners by providing a deep understanding of a range of text types, significant authors and the power of written and spoken language. We endeavour to help children develop an enjoyment and enthusiasm for English, by providing opportunities to learn and practise their skills in a range of ways and through thoughtful consideration of pairings and groupings. We challenge and support all children, through carefully planned sequences of lessons and high-quality engaging books, which are linked to other areas of the curriculum. Children learn to use and apply their reading and writing skills in other curriculum areas and in real-life situations.

What Do Our Children Say About English?

“I really like it when we do art in English” – Year 3

“Reading is my absolute favourite part of the day!” – Year 4

“I wouldn’t change anything as I think our English lessons are brilliant!” – Year 5

“Don’t change anything – English is great!” – Year 6